Upset woman near her car after an accident.


了解覆盖范围限制, 碰撞与综合, deductibles and other important terms to help decide on how much is right for you and how you can save.

当你得到一辆车, it’s common to consider what the recommended 汽车pp王者电子官网 coverages are. After all, required coverage varies from state to state and sometimes t在这里 are 国家最低标准 哪些通常非常低. Unfortunately, t在这里's no black and white answer. 这在很大程度上取决于什么 coverages you need and the amount of deductible you feel comfortable 与. The 状态 Farm® 个人价格计划® helps you create an affordable price (just for you).1

Here's a helpful breakdown to use while looking to purchase 汽车pp王者电子官网:


责任pp王者电子官网范围 当你在车祸中有过错时的费用. The coverages extend to the other 车辆(s) and people who sustain damages in the crash, 都是因为你的疏忽. Most states require you to carry a minimum amount of 责任pp王者电子官网 on your 车辆.

No one can predict exactly how much you'd have to pay if you cause a crash. But the key question to ask is: Can you afford to cover any damages exceeding your coverage limits? The higher your 责任pp王者电子官网 limits, the more damages your policy might cover.

来了解一下有多少 责任pp王者电子官网 you might need, add up the value of your home, cars, savings and investments. 然后减去你的债务(你所欠的). 例如, 如果总“净资产”是220美元,000, 你可以考虑250美元,每次事故受伤的赔偿责任. 如果你觉得你需要额外的pp王者电子官网, 你可以增加到50美元,000递增到500美元,000. If you feel you need coverage beyond that, consider an 伞的政策.

Keep in mind that liability insurance is usually shown as a series of 3 numbers, 例如100/300/100. Each number in this series represents a dollar amount — read in thousands — of coverage in different categories.

  1. 100: The first number represents the maximum amount of coverage for each individual bodily injury claim. 在这个例子中, up to $100,000 is available for each injured person.
  2. 300: The second number represents the maximum amount of liability insurance coverage for bodily injury claims for the entire accident. In this case, up to $300,000 is available for all injured persons. 值得注意的是, 即使保单可能有300美元,总保额为1000万, the insured could have personal exposure beyond their policy limits if the damages of any one individual exceeds $100,000.
  3. 100: The third and final number represents the maximum amount of property damage 责任pp王者电子官网. 在这个例子中, 这是100美元,000 available to pay for property damage for which an insured is liable.




Do I need comprehensive and/or collision insurance?

这取决于. 碰撞的报道 涵盖了 修理你的汽车 如果你出了车祸. 全面的覆盖 包括你的 如果是偷来的车 or damaged by something other than a collision or rolling over. You might not have a choice to not carry this coverage if your car is leased or financed; most lenders will require you to carry enough coverage to cover the cost of 修理你的汽车.

如果你拥有这辆车, you could consider whether the savings from dropping collision and/or comprehensive coverage is enough to offset the risk of having to pay the entire cost of repairing or replacing your car. 例如,如果你的 汽车全毁了 from an accident in which the other driver as at fault and has no insurance, hit in a parking lot while you were in the store shopping or stolen from while you were hiking at a park, do you have the means to replace it 与out any help from the insurance company?

如果你的车比较旧,不是 古董, it might be time to drop the 碰撞与综合 coverage and put that money into savings. You can take the cost of 碰撞与综合 coverage and see if the insurance policy cost more or the same as the worth of your 车辆. If so, it might be time to drop the coverage. 例如, 如果你的车值1美元,000 and your coverage costs $500 a year plus a $500 deductible, you're not really getting anything for your money.

How much should my 碰撞与综合 deductibles be?

这是一种平衡行为. 较高的免赔额 typically lower your premium, but will increase your out-of-pocket costs if a loss occurs. Ask yourself how much you're willing and able to pay directly, 通常在短时间内, 这样可以节省你的pp王者电子官网费. If you want to lower the amount you have to pay when a crash occurs, you might want to opt for a lower deductible.

If saving money on your insurance is your motivating factor behind removing your collision and raising your deductible, consider these other car insurance money savings tips.


Here are some other types of coverage that you might want to consider. Your insurance company can provide you more specific information on requirements and limits available w在这里 you live, since these coverages might be mandatory in some states.

  • 未投保的驾驶者pp王者电子官网 pays for damages if you or another covered person are injured in an auto accident or struck as a pedestrian caused by a driver who does not have liability insurance. In some states, it may also pay for property damage. The coverage varies by state and depends upon policy provisions. 未投保的驾驶者pp王者电子官网 is subject to a policy limit chosen by the insured.
  • 汽车pp王者电子官网不足 pays for damages if you or another covered person are injured in an auto accident or struck as a pedestrian caused by another driver who is considered to be underinsured as defined by the policy. It varies by state and depends upon policy provisions. 汽车pp王者电子官网不足 is subject to policy limits chosen by the insured.
  • 人身伤害保障(PIP) pays your — or another covered party’s — reasonable and necessary medical expenses for treatment resulting from an auto accident or being struck as a pedestrian. It may also pay for rehabilitation, lost earnings, replacement of services, and funeral expenses. The coverage varies by state and specific policy.
  • 医疗支付范围 在很多州都有吗. It pays for necessary medical and funeral expenses for those covered when the expenses are caused by an auto accident or being struck as a pedestrian. 医疗支付范围 varies by state and specific policy.
  • 路边援助 pays for covered services when your 车辆 is disabled. These services could include towing, locksmith, jumpstart and tire changes.

T在这里 are also some coverages that are optional and might be useful like 汽车租赁 or 随意组合. At any time, if you have questions about what your 车辆 coverage should be or 什么影响汽车pp王者电子官网费,你可以 联系座席 or 在网上获得汽车pp王者电子官网报价.

1 Prices are based on rating plans that vary by state. Coverage options are selected by the customer, and availability and eligibility may vary.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated 与 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

Discounts may exceed 30% and vary state-to-state (NY capped at 30%). 不适用于CA, MA, RI. A discount may not be available in NC depending on individual facts and circumstances. 设置要求.

Customers may always choose to purchase only one policy but the discount for two or more purchases of different lines of insurance will not then apply. Savings, discount names, percentages, availability and eligibility may vary by state.

状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company

状态 Farm County Mutual pp王者电子官网 Company of Texas




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